I'm doing a challenge to play through the large backlog of games I've accumulated on Steam over the past several years. This list only includes single player games that I've never tried playing through before, which is still a pretty substantial amount.
I've picked a game to start with, but then a set of games will be randomly picked and voted on by chat to pick the next game. I may end up changing that formula or doing specials for certain polls, we'll see. Some games may not have an ending, we'll just play it by ear as those come up.
Games in series need to be played in order, unless I've already played an entry in the past. Some series have been split up into multiple so they're not soo long (looking at you, Tomb Raider).
I'm not above cheating if necessary, and if I'm really having a bad time with something I may just shelve it. I'll probably start up 2 or 3 at once to not burn out on a single one.